Finding Your Song
It should be that after a year or so of dancing to traditional tango music you can hear it well enough and have heard songs repeated...

The Feelings of Tango from a Lead’s Perspective
There are many feelings to be had when you dance (I am speaking to leads here but welcome all readers). The many different feelings send...

Tango Bones
It was Brigitte Winkler, tango teacher extraordinaire, who many years ago first talked to me about tango bones. It's an important idea,...

Music Guidelines at Tango Northside for DJs and Milongeuros
(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Questlove is not a tango DJ; he's just cool) At Tango Northside, the music we play in our classes, at our practicas, and...

You Have To Practice
. . if you want to be a good tango dancer, that is. There is no other way to do it. If there are three parts to becoming a good dancer,...

The Sensibilities of a Milonguero
Milonguero: a person who loves to dance to tango music and who frequents milongas (social tango dance environments) over many years. In...

The Spirit of a Practica
These days we have lost the clarity around the difference between a practica and a milonga. This is true here in the United States and it...

Your Tango Foundation
The teaching of Argentine Tango usually follows a curriculum that is sequential: Tango 1, Tango 2, Tango 3, etc, where each class series...

The Spiritual Arc of Tango
I have been dancing tango for more than 25 years. Seriously, studiously, attentively, dedicatedly, passionately, lovingly. All of the...

Tango Music and Buenos Aires
Julie and I just got back from a two week trip to Buenos Aires (April 7 to 20, 2018). During the fourteen nights we had in BsAs, I was...