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Brigitta Winkler  -  Sept 22-25, 2022
TANGO workshops Sept 22, 23 & 25   |   AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT workshop Sept 24
Brigitta Winkler and partner
Brigitta Winkler and partner
Brigitta Winkler and partner
photo by Ed Goytia

Tango Northside is excited to bring this extraordinary dancer and widely-acclaimed instructor back to our community! Brigitta has decades of experience as a teacher of tango and other movement disciplines in her workshops around the world. Students at every level will benefit from her distinctive, deeply informed perspective.


Tango Workshops
TANGO workshops - Sept 22, 23 & 25

Brigitta Winkler is a tango pioneer. For over 30 years she has been living, dancing, teaching, and performing tango, traveling the world teaching at tango festivals and workshops, and supporting many dance communities and tango friends.
    In the mid 1980s, Brigitta went with her dance partner, Angelika, from Berlin to Buenos Aires to study tango, one of the first Europeans or North Americans to do so. They studied with the great teachers and milongueros from that era, such as Antonio Todaro, Eduardo and Gloria, Pepito and Suzuki, Juan Carlos Copez, and Gustavo Naviera. 

    In 1986, Brigitta and Angelika created Tanzart, one of the first dance studios exclusively dedicated to tango in Berlin. They were also instrumental in the start up of the queer tango scene in Berlin, possibly the first queer tango community in the world. (Brigitta just taught at this year’s Queer Tango Festival in Berlin, which was attended by nearly a thousand dancers.)

    In the mid 1990s, Brigitta and five other women created Tango Mujer, a tango dance theater, that performed in Berlin, New York City, San Francisco, and at Jacob’s Pillow in Massachusetts. The last 10 years, Brigitta runs Tango Retreats in Nature in Italy, Hawaii, and Sweden.

    Brigitta’s other dance and movement studies include ballet, modern dance, contact improvisation, in-depth training in Body Mind Centering with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Authentic Movement, and Yoga.


Conditioning for Oneness
7:30-9pm (practice 9-10pm)  /  $30
Renowned as both leader and follower, Brigitta will expand your focus and understanding by working in BOTH ROLES. Experiencing the “other side” brings enormous value and understanding to your primary role and you may in fact find the other role more enticing!


Somatic Tango: The principles of developmental movement
7:30-9pm (practice 9-10pm)  /  $30

In this class we will explore the underlying movement patterns that apply to the experience of Tango, with the goal of achieving an effective, effortless, and elegant dance.

Practice Makes the Master
6:30-7:30pm (practice 7:30-9pm)  /  $30
Practice is the keystone of every dancer and every tango community, where one explores class material and makes new discoveries. Brigitta will revisit and expand on the workshop themes while working with dancers one-on-one to address individual needs. She will also be giving us invaluable tools by introducing strategies for a mindful and effective practice.

LOCATION: All classes take place at our studio at 4120 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati OH 45223 (3rd floor, so be prepared to climb some stairs). Parking is available on thesurrounding streets and in the Northside Bank parking lot across Hamilton on Palm. Metered parking is free after 9pm


Advance registration and payment is required. Please complete and send the form to reserve your classes. Payment must be received before your registration is considered final.


To pay via Venmo: Make payment to Michael Wizer (@Michael-Wizer-Tango-Psych (last four digits 7176). You must first download the Venmo app to your phone.


To pay by check: Mail a check payable to Tango Northside to Michael Wizer, 1 Moline Court, Cincinnati, OH, 45223. Please send in advance to insure your spot.


If you have any questions about this process, please contact Michael

Select the class(es) you will attend
Payment method:

Thank you! See you in class!

Authentic Movement Workshop
AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT workshop - Sept 24

Along with her development as a tango dancer and teacher, Brigitta has studied dance forms with a therapeutic orientation, including Body-Mind Centering, and Authentic Movement. Her explorations in Authentic Movement began as a student of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen (creator of Body-Mind Centering) in the early 1990s and continued at the Naropa Institute under the guidance of Zoe Avstreigh. She has since taught Authentic Movement in workshops all over the world.


Authentic Movement is an improvisational and expressive movement form, developed in the 1950s as a dance therapy. It was created by Mary Starks Whitehouse, a dance student of Martha Graham’s, and who was also trained as a Jungian analyst. 

    In an Authentic Movement session, participants generate and explore their own spontaneous expressive movement. The sessions are structured, with some people being movers and others being witnesses. At the end of a period of movement, there is a period of verbal sharing. Participants will learn how to express their experiences as mover and witness without judgement, analysis, or criticism.

Authentic Movement
1-4pm  /  $50
***This session is not tango-specific and is open to non-dancers.***
Participants should come to class in unrestrictive, comfortable clothes.

LOCATION: Our studio at 4120 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati OH 45223 (3rd floor, so be prepared to climb some stairs). Parking is available on

surrounding streets and in the Northside Bank parking lot across Hamilton on Palm. Metered parking is free after 9pm


Advance registration and payment is required. Please complete and send the form to reserve your place. Payment must be received before your registration is considered final.


To pay via Venmo: Make payment to Michael Wizer (@Michael-Wizer-Tango-Psych (last four digits 7176). You must first download the Venmo app to your phone.


To pay by check: Mail a check payable to Tango Northside to Michael Wizer, 1 Moline Court, Cincinnati, OH, 45223. Please send in advance to insure your spot.


If you have any questions about this process, please contact Michael

Payment method:

Thank you! See you in class!   |   Tango Northside, 4120 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45223   |   classes   |   blog   |   find us 

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